Kubernetes course has been expanded!

I’ve recently added a major update to the Kubernetes Microservices course. The original version of the course was a project based, hands-on approach to learning Kubernetes – which I think is by far the best way to learn. The problem with that is that it’s not always possible to fit every possible topic into a sample project – for example, Fleetman didn’t need any access control, so I didn’t bother with RBAC on the original course.

So this update fixes this! You can get the full course from Udemy or if you prefer to also get access to a curated, focused library of Java-stack related training, from VirtualPairProgrammers.com.

What’s new?

  • Resources and Limits – helps you to help Kubernetes manage the cluster effectively
  • Metrics – use the top command to monitor the resource usage of your pods and nodes
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaling – let Kubernetes automatically scale up your deployments to handle spikes in load
  • Readiness and Liveness probes – make changes to your cluster without downtime
  • QoS and Eviction – understand why particular pods are evicted if a node runs out of resources
  • RBAC – use X509 certificates to restrict access to your cluster
  • ConfigMaps and Secrets – learn how to externalize configuration into a ConfigMap
  • Ingress Controllers – define routing rules so that multiple services can be accessed by a single point of entry – save money on LoadBalancers!
  • StatefulSets – by far the most confusing topic in Kubernetes, I hope I’ve demystified what they are (and aren’t! You don’t need them for persistence!)

But the biggest feature request for the update – Continuous Deployment! I spent ages building a CI/CD system which you can work with – it’s functional but just basic enough so that it isn’t overwhelming.